Activities and Attractions around Red River Gorge
Things to do during your vacation to the Red River Gorge! Hiking, Guided Rock Climbing, Drive-In Theaters, Horseback-Riding, Observing Herpetology, Canoeing, and more! Many activities for the entire family!!
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Home to the great natural sandstone arch which stands 65 feet high and 78 feet long. This 2,200 acre Park sits in the Daniel Boone National Forest and offers dining, a gift shop, meeting rooms, a nature center, swimming pool, fishing, camping and hiking.
Location: 2135 Natural Bridge Rd Slade, KY 40376
Phone: 606) 663-2214
Toll Free: (800) 325-1710

Offers a trail shuttle which is available 7 days per week, by reservation. The cost per person is $20, group rates area available for 5 or more people. The trail shuttle will retrieve guests from all over the area and deliver them directly to their destination without worry. This service does not follow a scheduled route. We hope the shuttle will help more folks get outdoors and to ease the overcrowding and congestion in the more popular areas of the gorge during the busier times of the season.
Phone: 606-362-7425

A forest school for families, whose mission is to foster and deep and lasting connection with the natural world through exploration and education.
Location: Stanton, KY
Phone:[email protected]

KRZ is a non-profit organization featuring a zoo exhibit complete with spitting cobras, mambas, rattlesnakes, vipers, anacondas, pythons, and adders.
Location: 200 L&E Railroad, Slade, KY 40376
Phone: (606) 663-9160

Bluegrass Biochar is dedicated to improving soil quality and our planet`s health one garden at a time. Available for purchase online, this is a great way to enrich your compost and planet!
Location: 3546 Nada Tunnel Road, Stanton KY 40380
Phone: 1-606-359-2459

Enter the Red River Gorge through this 900 foot tunnel, located along Kentucky 77 on your way to Red River Gorgeous! This tunnel, open to one-lane traffic only, was built for use as a logging railroad during the 1900`s. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

An eclectic American Cafe in the heart of the Red River Gorge! They feature local farmers and organic food choices. And beer on tap!
Location: 4000 St. Route 11 Campton KY 41301
Phone: 1-606-668-6656

A Kentucky-Proud restaurant and beer garden in shipping containers with live music and farm-to-table fare.
Location: 2613 St. Route 11 Campton KY 41301
Phone: 1-606-668-7302

If you are looking to canoe on the Red River…this is the first step to a wonderful river float!
Location: 394 Skybridge Road Highway 715, Slade, KY 40380
Phone:(606) 663-1012

Located in Clay City, the RRHM displays artifacts from the areas` iron, logging, and railroad industries. A reconstructed log school house is also located adjacent to the museum, as well as a historic mill-stone collection. Visit Red River Historical Museum.
Location: 4541 Main St. P. O. Box 517 Clay City, KY 40312

The best pizza (and more) and fun camping options to boot!
Location:1890 Natural Bridge Rd, Slade, KY 40376
Phone: (606) 663-1975